Mp3tag can recognize both TCMP (written by itself or iTunes) and foobar2000's ITUNESCOMPILATION field, and if looking at a file that has both, it will show two fields both with the name ITUNESCOMPILATION. If foobar2000 rewrites the tags for an mp3 file, it strips existing TCMP field (whether written by iTunes or Mp3tag).

If you use foobar2000 to write an ITUNESCOMPILATION field, it writes its own unique tag, which is different than what iTunes writes (or recognizes as a compilation). foobar2000 does not recognize an TCMP tag written by either iTunes or Mp3tag. Mp3tag will recognize this field, and will write the TCMP field if asked to write an ITUNESCOMPILATION field iTunes writes this tag in the TCMP field, with a value of "1" for compilations, otherwise the tag is not written I'm resurrecting this thread to note conclusions about the ITUNESCOMPILATION tag. In fact, I use mp3tag to scan my files and if the compilation field is set to 1, it creates a ITUNESCOMPILATION with value of 1 ITUNES does not do anything with the plain COMPILATION tag. This is created in my case when I rip CDs in dbpoweramp and the CD is a compilation of some sort (soundtrack, etc.). Note that there is another field simply called COMPILATION that also takes on a value of 0 or 1. When I add these to my ITUNES library, ITUNES recognizes that these are compilations automatically. I use MP3TAG to create an ITUNESCOMPILATION field with a value of "1" for compilation disks. I was wondering if the tag needed to specifically be written by iTunes (with its own slightly weird id3 structure) to be recognized by iTunes. So I assume I can use foobar2000 to write the tag ITUNESCOMPILATION=1 to all of my various artists and compilation discs and that if these files end up in iTunes they will be properly classified as compilation albums.

Quote from: garym on 21:12:47 I use MP3TAG to create an ITUNESCOMPILATION field with a value of "1" for compilation disks. I don't know if iTunes will read this tag and classify the songs as part of a compilation if someone imports the mp3's from my mix cd into iTunes, but if it doesn't work, at least it hasn't hurt anything beyond adding a few bytes of non-harmful data to each filesize. I just used foobar2000 to stick a custom tag field on the mp3 files of my mix cd, so each file has a value of "1" in the field ITUNESCOMPILATION. For the record, I've only checked this in aac files coming out of iTunes so I don't know if foobar2000 would display the compilation tag from an iTunes mp3 file. Tracks from compilation albums ripped or tagged in iTunes show up in foobar2000 with a tag field titled ITUNESCOMPILATION (and "1" is written in the field).
#Mp3tag fields zip file#
My interest is in that if I make a mix cd and put the mp3's in a zip file to give to friends who listen to music on their computers instead of on cd, should I try to put the iTunes Compilation stamp on there? I believe its usefulness is primarily an iTunes one. Quote from: ozmosis82 on 20:12:40 Check out: