If _directory is number and word for disc than user defined filed is word What I am trying to do is Create the above without having to rename the "album"? Am guessing, that I am going to have to create a user defined field and than apply it afterwards something like What I am looking at doing is moving and relabeling as required however I already have the Disc Numbers but would like to include existing Folder Names (if applicable) as well for example if I have the following:įrom something like this for example: ( ) How would one apply this idea in reverse? However, I will still appreciate it very much if you could show me where the first of the two expressions happened to insert the space into the DISCNUMBER field. That said, I eventually tested the second one of the above two scripts, and so far it has performed splendidly.
I do not know how to edit the regular expression to care of this problem. It applies a space for single-album discs, and space after the disc number too, for multi-disc albums. The first of the above two scripts somehow inserts a space into the DISCNUMBER tag. without the preceding blank space and the dash- as it did before the Action above was changed.ĭetlevD: Action "Format value". The file names are named in the desired manner i.e. $char(0)'If no match, then return nothing, else return number from directory n Filename.txt (The "" representing the blank space) It definitely adds a blank space in the beginning of the file name: I think I may have lost the plot completely, and I have to check all the Actions in this Group again. Are these hyphens an imperative, and how does one tell when to use them, or not? Is it perhaps discussed somewhere so I can read more about its application?Įdit: I have now tried the revised Action, but the result is identical. I have never used the hyphens, and yet it still seemed to work in other Actions, which I have used up to now. Thank you for spotting the error, DetlevD. Please ignore the portion between brackets if it does not make sense.

(Furthermore, is there another, perhaps simpler way, to derive each individual disc number from multi-disc albums- AND keep a single-disc album number blank? For instance, derive the disc number by counting the number of folders, and sequentially number them? In such a case, how would the correct number sequence be determined- if not from the folder description?). Is it possible to revise the script to take care of this situation, while still allocating the appropriate individual disc number to multi-disc albums? I prefer to leave the disc number field of one-disc albums, blank/clean. There is, however, one drawback in my own application of it: When the script is applied, it will also number the single albums with disc number 1. Presently, the above script by DetlevD, seems to best fit the circumstance. $char(0)'If no match, then return 1, else return number from directory name'

Furthermore, I do not know how to construct a script to apply whenever I have to derive the disc number from the second set of examples given above. However, it will be nice to see an optional script, which provides for leading zeroes in the disc number as well.įrom what I have learned so far, I was able to construct a suitable Action Group, which were successful, but I am certain there is a much better, more efficient way to trim the two first two characters, "CD", so only the numerical character is displayed. I wish to derive the Field: DISCNUMBER, from the folder/directory by means of a suitable script.

Sometimes, when the name/title of the disc, as sub-folder, is known, I will add it so that the sub-folder title looks like this: For multiple disc albums, such as box sets, I usually name the individual discs, as an album sub-folder, this way - but only when each disc does not have its own specific subtitle: